桃县 911 is encouraging residents and businesses to register for CodeRED, a telephone communication service that allows us to quickly notify residents about emergency situations.
桃县 911 will use the CodeRED system to notify residents about emergencies such as severe weather within seconds after being issued by the National Weather Service. Weather notifications are issued for the immediate threats of severe thunderstorm warnings, flash flood warnings and tornado warnings.
Other emergencies include:
- Drinking water contamination
- 公用事业中断
- Evacuation notice and route
- 失踪人
- 火灾或洪水
- 炸弹威胁
- 人质劫持事件
- Chemical spill or gas leak
- Other emergency incidents where rapid and accurate notification is essential
注册很容易. 简单的 click this registration link and fill out the required information.
If you don’t have access to a computer
For residents without internet access, please call the 桃县 Department of Emergency Communications non-emergency phone line at 478-822-9111 during normal business hours and an Emergency Communications staff will assist in the registration process.
What is CodeRED and why is it important to me?
CodeRED is an emergency notification service by which 桃县 officials can notify 桃县 residents and businesses by telephone, 手机, 短信, or electronic mail about emergency situations or critical community alerts. The system is capable of sending messages only to specific neighborhoods or the entire community.
Does this mean 桃县 will be calling me constantly?
No. 桃县 respects your privacy. CodeRED will be used when emergency situations arise that you should know about.
The system will be used to send messages only to those residents and businesses directly affected by a particular event. 例如, if you happen to live in an area for which a "boil water" advisory has been issued due to a water main break, CodeRED will call only you and your neighbors to deliver that very important health advisory.
If there is a county wide emergency, all Peach residents will be contacted by the method of their choice and kept up-to-date on developments.
For what kinds of situations will CodeRED be used?
恶劣天气情况, substantial utility outage, 疏散通知, 失踪或失踪人员, 火灾或洪水, 主要道路问题, significant criminal situations, chemical spill or gas leak. In short, emergencies and community alerts.
Why do I need CodeRED when I have TV to keep me informed?
CodeRED is an additional measure of safety 桃县 believes our residents need and deserve. If power goes out, you may not be able to depend upon TV. 然而, because telephone lines are self-powered and most people now have cell phones, 桃县 can continue to keep you informed through messages delivered by CodeRED.
即使你有权力, CodeRED will probably be able to reach you with important information faster than TV and radio stations can put it on the air. That's because CodeRED is a direct connection between you and 桃县.
Many emergencies occur without advance warning. In such cases, you may have no reason to turn on a TV or radio or you may be sleeping. That's when CodeRED can help 桃县 政府 alert you immediately and advise you to take appropriate action.
How will I recognize a CodeRED message?
A CodeRED message will have a caller ID 866-419-5000. We suggest you program this number in your cell phone as a "new contact" and use "CodeRED" as the contact name. If you need to replay the emergency notification message again, simply dial this number and you will be able to hear the message again. A CodeRED message will usually begin, "This is an emergency message from 桃县 911."
What should I do if I receive a CodeRED message?
Listen carefully to the entire message. It will be brief and will not be repeated. Follow the instructions given. You may be directed to a commercial TV or radio station for further information. Do not hang up until you have heard the entire message or you might miss vital information. Do not call 911 for further information unless directed to do so or if you need immediate aid from the Police, EMS或消防部门.
I have a cordless phone, and it does not work when the power goes out. How is 911 going to be able to contact me?
There are two ways you can continue to receive telephone messages from 桃县 911 through CodeRED:
- Make sure you have at least one working corded telephone - and be sure to turn the ringer on.
- The CodeRED "Community Notification Enrollment" sign-up form gives you the option of filling in both two phone numbers. Entering two phones will result in both phones receiving the calls.
CodeRED widens the safety margin by offering residents another new and powerful means of learning about vital, 及时的信息. In addition, you should continue to listen to the TV and the radio.
Will CodeRED leave a message on a machine?
是的, CodeRED will leave a message on a machine or on voice mail. Part of the CodeRED solution is the patented ability to recognize answering devices and leave the message completely in one pass.
What happens if the line is busy?
If the line is busy, CodeRED will try two more times to connect.
What circumstances might prohibit CodeRED from delivering a message to me?
- If you have moved or changed your phone number and have not registered your new contact information, CodeRED may not be able to contact you.
- If you have only cordless phones in your residence, the power is out and you have not registered an alternate phone number, CodeRED will not be able to contact you.
- If your line is busy for an extended period and your calls do not forward to voice mail or an answering machine in a busy condition, after three tries CodeRED will stop calling your number. 桃县 911 will receive a report of undelivered calls and can instruct CodeRED to begin another round of calls to busy numbers. It's best to have an alternate phone number in the calling database for these situations.
- If you have privacy manager on your main phone service, CodeRED will not be able to contact you unless you have registered an alternate number that will accept the call.
Does 桃县 911 have my telephone number, or do I have to sign up to receive CodeRED emergency calls?
桃县 911 does not have your telephone number until you sign up. If you have moved or changed your telephone number recently, you should definitely sign up for the CodeRED service or update your information you have already provided. Any new information you supply will automatically replace old information.
How do I sign up for CodeRED?
Click this link to a CodeRED registration form 你可以在网上填写. This is the quickest way to sign up because the information you supply will immediately update the CodeRED telephone number database. If you do not have access to the internet at home, please consider using a computer at the 图书馆 or ask a friend or family member for assistance. On-line registration is the most efficient, accurate and private way to supply your information. To register on-line you might first have to adjust your internet browser to enable cookies, otherwise you may receive an error message.
The registration form only allows me to enter a primary and secondary telephone number. What if I want to register additional numbers for my address?
After you submit the initial registration form, you may start the registration process again and submit more numbers for the same address.
I have a business located in 桃县. Can I arrange to have CodeRED call my business?
是的. 单击已编码链接. Click the “business” option and fill in the required information. Please note that emergency calls can only be delivered to a direct dial number. Automated attendants will disrupt the process and the calls will not be delivered. 业务es should register their main number and establish a procedure for distributing the CodeRED message to their workforce.