The 桃县 消防部门 provides all-risk, all-hazards service to the unincorporated areas of 桃县. The department provides a variety of services to a growing and diverse population. 服务包括灭火, 纵火调查, 减少有害物质, 搜救, 防火和消防安全教育.
The department continually strives to improve service delivery and meet the specialized needs of every area of the county. One of its biggest priorities is the prevention of fires, accidents and injuries, before they occur. 这是通过防火来实现的, 建筑规范的执行, 安全检查和消防安全教育.
The 桃县 消防部门 was established in 1974 as an all volunteer department. The mission of the department is to provide the residents of 桃县 with the most efficient, effective and professional fire protection and rescue services possible. 符合条件的居民可以自愿参加 在此完成申请.
The PCFD uses a highly efficient service delivery system designed to provide the quickest and most efficient response times possible from any area of the county. Personnel are continuously asked to take on greater responsibilities, 接听越来越多的电话. 最重要的是, PCFD personnel are trained to perform the operations of the department under the most severe conditions. 结果是, residents can rely on the fire department in any situation because the PCFD recognizes the importance of delivering high caliber emergency service to the public.
Each PCFD firefighter is required to complete 96 hours of intense training each year. The training is a combination of classroom, hands on practical exercises and live fire training. All 桃县 firefighters are required to pass and maintain minimum firefighter standards set forth by the State of Georgia.
桃县 also participates in the NIFRS national reporting system. 桃县 was one of the original departments in Georgia to implement this reporting system. All of the fire department's reports, records and information are computerized. The PCFD training division is also completely computerized and was updated in 2005 with the latest NFPA and IFSTA training materials.
The 桃县 消防部门 operates six Stations in the county under the direction of a full time 消防队长, 全职助理消防队长, 一个全职的训练上尉, a full time Administrative Assistant and Volunteer District Chiefs. The department is further staffed with eight full time and 60 Volunteer Firefighters.
1号站和3号站24小时都有人值守, seven days a week and the other stations are manned Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. 直到下午5点.m. Each Station is equipped with at least one engine and a minimum of one tanker/service truck.
该部门总共有7台发动机, 13辆油罐车/服务车, 3个天线(55'梯, 一个85英寸的呼吸器和一个75英尺的梯子), 两辆空中和轻型支援卡车, 四辆刷/快速反应卡车, 一辆危险品初始反应拖车, a 搜救 boat and a mobile command center.
桃县 constructed a new 80x140 five-bay station in 2006 to replace the original Station 1 building built in 1978 in Powersville. The old building was a two-bay station built as a combination fire station/voting precinct. The new station is approximately one-eighth of a mile north of the old station on Peach Parkway (Hwy. 49). 老车站是1,600平方英尺,新设施是11,200 square foot station with five 80-foot drive through bays and full living quarters.
In 2009 and 2010 桃县 constructed a new Headquarters Station. 这座建筑被命名为“J.D. 唐尼的善款 公共安全 Complex”, after long serving County Commissioner J. D. 唐尼的善款. The facility houses both the 消防部门 and Emergency Medical Services Headquarters. 该设施占地19,975平方英尺. It has five 85' drive through bays for the fire department and three 85' drive through bays for EMS, 行政办公室, 一天的房间, 床的房间, 员工的健身房和厨房. Also upstairs contains a large training room and additional offices and administration.
Both of these facilities were built with SPLOST (Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax) funds. Most of the labor for the buildings was provided by full-time and volunteer fire fighters. Georgia Department of Corrections Inmate Construction Labor was also utilized when it was available. The firefighters building these buildings proved to save 桃县 Tax Payers in excess of $2.800万的建筑费用.
- 第1站:拜伦,桃子公园路6711号
- 第二站:谷堡南公园路60号
- 第三站:柳湖路195号.福特谷
- 第4站:3977路. 北,拜伦
- 第五站:迈阿密谷路10660号,谷堡
- 第6站:美国341号公路1770号,谷堡
ISO是一个独立的统计数据, 评级, and advisory organization that serves the property/casualty insurance industry. ISO collects information on a community's public fire protection and analyzes the data using the 灭火等级表(FSRS). ISO then assigns a Public Protection Classification from 1 to 10. Class 1 represents exemplary public protection and Class 10 indicates less than minimum recognized protection. 桃县 Lowered its ISO 评级 from a class 5/9 to a class 4 in December of 2017, which allows 桃县 residents to feel safer with the advantage of lower insurance rates. 桃县 is continually striving to lower our ISO 评级 for the tax payers of 桃县.