桃县 homeowners are entitled to a 宅地豁免 on the property they own and occupy as a permanent residence on January 1 of the taxable year. In addition, senior citizens and certain businesses are eligible for other tax exemptions. All exemptions are designed to reduce the amount of property taxes you are required to pay.
The 宅地豁免 is deducted from the assessed (40 percent) value of the property for 县 and school tax purposes, 债券债务除外. 国家税务机关也允许免税. The value of the property in excess of the exempted amount is subject to all taxes.
Application for homestead exemption must be made between April 2nd of the preceding year and April 1st of the year in which the exemption is sought. 一旦申请和批准, 豁免应每年自动续期, as long as the applicant continuously occupies the residence as a homestead and the eligibility conditions still apply. 然而, a new homestead exemption application must be made if the taxpayer bought a new home, 年内有否更改契约类型, 或者有资格获得更大的豁免.
Applications for homestead exemption may be mailed to or made in the Tax Assessor's Office, 西教堂街205号, 221套房, 谷堡, 格鲁吉亚31030年.
The following are exemptions available in 桃县 if you meet the requirements:
The home of each resident of Georgia that is actually occupied and used as the primary residence by the owner may be granted a $2,000美元州免税额, 县 and school taxes except for school taxes levied by 市政ities and except to pay interest on and to retire bonded indebtedness. 2000美元从宅基地40%的评估价值中扣除. The owner of a dwelling house of a farm that is granted a homestead exemption may also claim a homestead exemption in participation with the program of rural housing under contract with the local housing authority. (O.C.G.A. § 48-5-44)
Individuals 65 years of age or over may claim a $4,000 exemption from all state and 县 ad 按价 taxes if the income of that person and his spouse does not exceed $10,前一年的费用是1万美元. 退休收入来源, 养老金, and disability income is excluded up to the maximum amount allowed to be paid to an individual and his spouse under the federal Social Security Act. 2023纳税年度的社会保障最高福利为87,048美元. The owner must notify the 县 Tax Assessor's office if for any reason they no longer meet the requirements for this exemption. (O.C.G.A. § 48-5-47)
Individuals 62 and Older Additional May Claim Exemption for Educational Purposes
Individuals 62 years of age or over that are residents of each independent school district and of each 县 school district may claim an additional exemption from all ad 按价 taxes for educational purposes and to retire school bond indebtedness if the income of that person and his spouse does not exceed $10,前一年的费用是1万美元. 退休收入来源, 养老金, and disability income is excluded up to the maximum amount allowed to be paid to an individual and his spouse under the federal Social Security Act. The social security maximum benefits for the 2023 tax year is $87,048. The owner must notify the 县 Tax Assessor's office if for any reason they no longer meet the requirements for this exemption. This exemption may not exceed $10,000 of the homestead's assessed value. (O.C.G.A. § 48-5-52)
Individuals 62 years of age or over may obtain a floating inflation-proof state and 县 homestead exemption, 除了用来支付利息和偿还债券债务的税款, 基于宅基地价值的自然增长. 如果房屋的评估价值增加了10美元以上,000, 船东可以从这项豁免中受益. Income, together with spouse or any other person residing in the house, can not exceed $30,000. This exemption does not affect any 市政 or educational taxes and is meant to be used in the place of any other state and 县 homestead exemption. 要小心——这种豁免实际上可能导致税收增加. (O.C.G.A. § 48-5-47.1)
2023纳税年度, 任何符合条件的伤残退伍军人都可以获得109美元的豁免,986年为州政府缴纳财产税, 县, 市政, 以及学习目的. The value of the property in excess of this exemption remains taxable. This exemption is extended to the not remarried surviving spouse or minor children. (O.C.G.A. § 48-5-48)
非R的宅地豁免emarried 未亡配偶
2023纳税年度, the surviving spouse of a member of the armed forces who was killed in any war or armed conflict will be granted a homestead exemption from all ad 按价 taxes for state, 县, 市政 以及学习目的 in the amount of $109,986. The surviving spouse will continue to be eligible for the exemption as long as they do not remarry. (O.C.G.A. § 48-5-52.1)
Application for 宅地豁免 are taken at the Tax Assessor's office in 谷堡. According to which exemption applying for, you might need the following:
- 年龄证明
- 担保契约
- 收入报表(乔治亚州和联邦所得税申报表副本)
- 医生宣誓书
- 退休或伤残记录
- You must apply no later than April 1st of that year to receive a tax benefit the same year
- Any change to deed, for example refinancing, will necessitate a new application
- 收入的变化必须更新
桃县 voters have elected to exempt the following types of commercial and industrial inventory from property taxes at the rate shown below:
- 第1类: Raw materials and goods in process of manufacture - 100 percent exemption
- 二班: Finished goods produced in Georgia within the last 12 months - 100 percent exemption
- 第三类: Finished goods stored in Georgia within the last 12 months and destined for shipment out-of-state - 100 percent exemption
提交申请的截止日期 自由港 exemption with the 评税员委员会 is April 1 to receive the full exemption.